Hello everybody, this is my website, hope you like what i like and learn something new.
I like drawing, but im not so good on what painting goes for. I usually draw with pencils in black and white.
i recently discovered, while trying to study anatomy, a really good book. Its called "Anatomy for artists Drawing form & pose", by tom fox. He understands the human body like ive never seen and i can't recommend enough his book, he doesnt just tell you every bone and muscle and blah blah blah, he shows how the human body acts in 3D and how interacts, every single drawing it's like a 3D render, truly amazing.
I play too much games, so i don't know where to even start. I like games with a good story and games that make you feel immersed: For example, The Last Of Us, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Metro Redux 2033.
I do like a lot shooter games, and realistic games, some are not so famous like Project Zomboid but its a game i find myself always going back to. I like survival games so Minecraft is a game i usually play time to time.
Right now i wouldnt say the industry is diying but they are making a product of games and there are fewer games that are good. But right now everyone can publish their own game so while someone with a good idea and determination to execute it there is gonna be something new to innovate on
In music i like a lot of different genres but without a doubt my top genre is hip-hop. I also like jazz, rock and electronic music but hip-hop and rap are my top genres of music. From the most famous rappers/producers i like are Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West, Tyler The Creator and Drake. But i like a lot of underground of the hip-hop so i also like: Mf DOOM, Joey Bada$$ and Jev.
I am Argentinian so i do hear a lot from my country, my favorite band beign Kamada. If you are from Argentina and also like hip-hop and rap i think its essential you listen to some of the albums Kamada has to offer. Its damn good, like Homer el Mero Mero, Definetly you should check that out.
My favourite album is DAMN., i could do a whole section about Kendrick, because, let me tell you, that man cooked, and he didn't miss not even on a single song(we dont talk about GOD.). If you didn't hear DAMN. stop reading this and click on the link so you can fill your ears with only pleasure.
I liked programming since i knew of its existence, but i think i got into it at a very young age. I remember searching how to program in youtube and i think i watched some random dude of how to code in HTML and i gave up. Some time later i tried it again but now with python. I coded some things in python and then got into libraries of python for making a game like pygame. I tried doing some things there and i ended up recreating PONG.
Nowadays i learned LUA. and im learning HTML and CSS again with this site, guess you can tell if you inspect the code in this page: It aint good, but im learning HTML and CSS while doing something fun and i think im going to use this site for sharing things i like and storing some other things and thoughts.
I am interested in making a 3D game maybe in roblox just to see how it is.